About this course

Site: Kbeams Training
Course: Moodle Teaching Next Level
Book: About this course
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Friday, 20 September 2024, 9:29 AM

1. Is this course right for you?

This course is for educators who have some experience teaching with Moodle.

You will need to have a Moodle course with an editing-teacher account and ideally a test student account. If your organisation is unable to give you a Moodle course with a teacher account then look at the page Get a practice course.

This course IS...
  • For anyone who teaches with Moodle and has a basic understanding of Moodle's activities and resources. It is ideal if you have completed the Moodle Teaching Basics course or one of our facilitated Learn Moodle Basics MOOCs.
This course IS NOT...
  • For people new to Moodle
  • People who want to manage a whole Moodle site as an administrator.

2. Course overview

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.

Duration: Entirely up to you, but we recommend a minimum of 20 hours.

Fees: None - The course and completion badge are entirely free. You are welcome to purchase a certificate of completion if you wish. If you would like to contribute towards the costs of providing this course, please consider donating to Moodle or or purchasing an item from the Moodle shop.

Make more of Moodle
  • Review what you already know
  • Explore some more advanced features
Include your learners
  • Learn how to make your course accessible to all learners
  • Learn how to make your course display well on different devices and be accessible offline
Engage your learners
  • Create a welcoming environment in your course
  • Have learners collaborate on projects
  • Gamify your course with standard Moodle features
Assess your learners
  • Explore the Gradebook in more depth
  • Investigate advanced grading with rubrics
  • Assess formatively with ratings
  • Review competencies
Support your learners
  • Examine how to build and maintain relationships in class
  • Explore ways to communicate both with individuals and in groups
  • Consider different types of feedback for students and by students
To finish
  • Give us feedback
  • Purchase a certificate

3. How this course works

  • This is a free, self-paced course provided by Moodle HQ.
  • You must have an editing teacher role in a Moodle course in a Moodle site. If your organisation cannot offer you a course, then follow the instructions in the page Get a practice course.
  • Although this course is not facilitated, you are most welcome to ask any questions about Teaching with Moodle in our Moodle community forums. Mention #TeachingNextLevel in your post to help us easily find it.
  • We would love to hear what you think of the course, if anything is unclear, or you have any ideas for improvements. Please provide feedback, either in the activity Your feedback or by posting on moodle.org in the discussion Feedback wanted about our Moodle Teaching  Next Level MOOC (link opens in a new window).
  • You can work through the course content at your own pace but to obtain a badge and certificate of completion you must ensure all items with checkboxes are ticked. These checkboxes only appear on the main course page.
  • There are two types of checkboxes:
    • a solid border Solid line border checkbox 
    • a dotted border Dotted line border checkbox
  • For items with a solid line border, you must manually click the box when you are confident you have read and understood the course content. In this course, items you must read have a checkbox with a solid line border.
  • For boxes with a dotted line border, the tick appears automatically when you have completed the activity. In this course items requiring input from you, such as submitting a quiz, have a checkbox with a dotted line border.
  • A badge will be issued at the end of the course when you have completed all the required activities.
  • You may also purchase a Moodle Teaching Next Level Certificate of completion for 25 Euros.

4. Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of Moodle Teaching Next Level are informed by the generic digital competences of the Digital Competence Framework for Educators, DigCompEdu (opens in new window).

  • 3.1 Teaching
  • 3.2 Guidance
  • 3.3 Collaborative learning
  • 3.4 Self-regulated learning
  • 4.1 Assessment strategies
  • 4.2 Analysing evidence
  • 4.3 Feedback and planning
  • 5.1 Accessibility and inclusion
  • 5.2 Differentiation and personalisation
  • 5.3 Actively engaging learners.

Note that these have not been added as course competencies, as simply completing this course is not enough to fully meet them.

5. Proficiency levels

How do you know what your level of Moodle teaching expertise is?

In our MEC (Moodle Educator Certification program) we use proficiency levels based on the DigCompEdu proficiency levels and adapted for Moodle.

There are six levels ranging from A1 ("Newcomer) to C2 ("Pioneer"). As a rough guide, our courses equate to the following levels:

  • Moodle Teaching Basics (self-paced) equates approximately to levels A1/A2.
  • Learn Moodle Basics (facilitated) equates approximately to levels A1/A2.
  • Moodle Teaching Next Level equates approximately to levels A2/B1.
  • The MEC requires you to demonstrate proficiency at minimum B2 in order to pass, although you may start the program at level B1 if your Moodle Partner facilitator feels you are ready.

 The MEC is offered exclusively by authorised Moodle Partners.

6. Badge and certificate

A completer badge is awarded at the end of the course to anyone who completes all required activities.

You can optionally purchase a certificate of completion for 25 Euros and by so doing, you'll be supporting our Education team to make more free resources and our developers to improve Moodle further.

The course has no official accreditation but is a good follow-on course from any basic training and will help prepare you for the Moodle Educator Certification program.

7. In short...

I don't have a Moodle course. Can I still do this MOOC?

You don't need a Moodle course to complete the activities but we do recommend it, as learning is easier when you try things out. Read our page Get a practice course.

What will I receive for completing this MOOC?

You receive a completer badge and you can optionally purchase a certificate.

Can I have a backup of this course to use in my organisation?

We don't offer a backup of this course to community members, but you are welcome to make use of the Moodle documentation and to link to or embed the video tutorials from our Moodle HQ YouTube channel.

I am a Moodle admin. Is this course useful to me?

If you have no experience teaching with Moodle then we suggest you first complete our course Moodle Teaching Basics as it will certainly help you better understand the teachers and student on your site. You could also sign up for the course Moodle Admin Basics.

How can I leave (unenrol from) this MOOC?

Click the gear icon top right on the course page then click 'Unenrol me from this course'.

Click gear top right and then Unenrol me from Teaching Next Level