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Aggregazione dei criteri

5. Proficiency levels

How do you know what your level of Moodle teaching expertise is?

In our MEC (Moodle Educator Certification program) we use proficiency levels based on the DigCompEdu proficiency levels and adapted for Moodle.

There are six levels ranging from A1 ("Newcomer) to C2 ("Pioneer"). As a rough guide, our courses equate to the following levels:

  • Moodle Teaching Basics (self-paced) equates approximately to levels A1/A2.
  • Learn Moodle Basics (facilitated) equates approximately to levels A1/A2.
  • Moodle Teaching Next Level equates approximately to levels A2/B1.
  • The MEC requires you to demonstrate proficiency at minimum B2 in order to pass, although you may start the program at level B1 if your Moodle Partner facilitator feels you are ready.

 The MEC is offered exclusively by authorised Moodle Partners.

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