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Conditions d’achèvement

2. Course overview

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.

Duration: Entirely up to you, but we recommend a minimum of 20 hours.

Fees: None - The course and completion badge are entirely free. You are welcome to purchase a certificate of completion if you wish. If you would like to contribute towards the costs of providing this course, please consider donating to Moodle or or purchasing an item from the Moodle shop.

Make more of Moodle
  • Review what you already know
  • Explore some more advanced features
Include your learners
  • Learn how to make your course accessible to all learners
  • Learn how to make your course display well on different devices and be accessible offline
Engage your learners
  • Create a welcoming environment in your course
  • Have learners collaborate on projects
  • Gamify your course with standard Moodle features
Assess your learners
  • Explore the Gradebook in more depth
  • Investigate advanced grading with rubrics
  • Assess formatively with ratings
  • Review competencies
Support your learners
  • Examine how to build and maintain relationships in class
  • Explore ways to communicate both with individuals and in groups
  • Consider different types of feedback for students and by students
To finish
  • Give us feedback
  • Purchase a certificate
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